Quote WormInHand="WormInHand"But I'd be happy with Charles in Charge, if only to protect our old buildings and stop the scientists poisoning us. As long as his remit stays within those sorts of boundaries, he's useful.'"
While I assume that is tongue in cheek, there is a serious issue that his opinions are given media attention and even credence because of who his mum is. Even if (some of) his views weren't quite so bonkers, it'd be grossly inappropriate. It absolutely isn't his remit - his remit is waving and smiling. The Queen never says anything much - Charles need to realise that is why she has managed to make a success of the role.
Summed up quite nicely here...
Or by Professor Michael Baum, a cancer specialist at University College London:
"The power of my authority comes with a knowledge built on 40 years of study and 25 years of active involvement in cancer research. Your power and authority rest on an accident of birth."
The man knows next to nothing about science, yet he abuses his position to promote his views and sections of the public suspend their rationality to think they have especial value.
I feel a bit for the Royals, in one sense, in that you can never achieve anything through merit. William serves in the military, but has to be kept safe from harm. Charles has a food production company, but any success it has will always be attributed to his using his name. Realistically they can't even walk away to a normal life. They're comfortably cossetted, but they're less free than we are.