Quote The optimist="The optimist"Imo to generate an atmoshpere or even a feel good factor you need feed of other peoples energy,you find if enough of you "are up for it" and are willing to look a bit of a tool to try and wip it up into a frenzy it gets quite contagus then everyone is up for it spreads like wild fire, what is happening now imo is everyone is just sat on their hands looking for somebody or somthing "get it going" it doesnt work like that.
It only my opinion GT you obviously have a different opinion on it which is fine, but i feel ive been beaten down by too many of my fellow salford supporters you included saying " How can you be so positive Bobbie we are rubbish?" and "You living in a bubble Bobbie the clubs in ruins ect"
I feel im at the 3rd stage of my salford supporting life, at first when i started i believed we beat anyone anywhere and at every match we'd have a ball nobody bothered about who was looking or what was going on it was all about fun fun fun.
Then we got relegated and that hurt me so much more than i can ever explain on here because "my salford" wernt good enough to be in the top divison at the time even though they had given everything, we came back up luckly and it got a bit serious/ professionally run both on and off the field which in the big picture needed to be done it wasnt "my salford" anyone but a "professional salford" but it wasnt as fun it was all about the winning not the fun, We went down again and at the time it didnt hurt because i knew the players wernt good enough, they didnt care because it was a job and it didnt matter as the club and i had started to drift apart.
Now im here where i feel i dont have a connection with the playing staff, i listen everyweek to people winging (which they are intitled to do) which makes me not want to go anymore and it it wasnt for reading this thread and red preacher and and one of the stoke on trent reds i wouldnt be going to leeds because we all know deep down we'll get panned and we'll all have a good winge unless leeds dont turn up.
I Just cant see the point in paying £20 and just sitting on your hands, thats all if i wanted to do that id stay in the pub, the problem is if i started to sing salford songs in the pub by myself ill look odd so from now on as long as im having fun i dont care how we go on and thats how im dealing with where the remains of "my salford" is now.
Without the atmosphere and the feel good fun "my salfords" dead because that is all that is left and thats why im hoping we can revive it.'"
Well done, Bobby. You've missed my point completely. I'm not saying you should go into the ground and sit on your hands, I'm saying we shouldn't get behind the team and I'm not saying we shouldn't enjoy ourselves as much as we can (although that's getting harder and harder with the state of things at the moment.)
What I am saying is that you don't have to act like a balloon, you don't have to 'whip up a frenzy' or anything like that. To be honest, that's more likely to put people off at times. If some see people ballooning around they often think 'Christ, what are them nutters on? Pack it in.' But, if you just get on with supporting the team without trying too hard you're more likely to get the odd casual singer joining in with you.
Take Uniteds away support through the late nineties and early 2000s. No ballooning, no over-excited jumping around, no scarf waving, no waving your hands around in a funny manner. Just a few thousand people stood up singing. No fuss, no frenzy, no nothing. And the players were lifted by it. Then you get the Geordies 'support', ballooning, shirts off, acting up in a 'frenzy'... And the rest of the country think they're a bunch of f*ckwits.
Ballooning around does not automatically equal getting behind the team in a positive manner. In the same way, not ballooning around does not automatically equal not getting behind the team in a positive manner.
As for being beaten down for trying to be positive, can you blame people? The club's stuck in a serious rut at the moment and there's a whole list of things that people have a gripe with. To attempt to go on blindly thinking everything's okay at the moment is a bit silly. But whilst that shouldn't hinder you getting behind the team for 80 minutes, it also shouldn't stifle people from saying what they see and aiming criticism and the club, staff and players.
Turn up, don't take it so seriously, relax and just sing. Don't worry about having a connection with the players, they come and go, don't worry about people whinging, that'll happen regardless, just concentrate on supporting the side during the match. You'll feel a lot better about life, trust me.