Quote king of the shed="king of the shed"Still fuming if I'm honest
I agree entirely P. I must say that following what I had read on our site from last week (and the week before), I really thought that SM would have fallen on his sword or that the board may have given him some "words of wisdom".
I have always thought about us Reds fans as being even handed, loyal, and above all else fair. I suppose when you are used to winning "silverware" on a regular basis, then your expectations are higher: but we have never realistically seen beyond our status as minions in SL, and as such, been satisfied with doing things not only in the "right spirit" but also complying every year to the various quota/ salary cap changes, and, unlike many of the "big clubs" I feel we have suffered when the penalties have come to be levied retrospectively in the form of "points reduction" for the biggest culprits the following season.
Sorry about this guys, I've just realised this has turned into a "rant".
What I really should add, is that to be a head coach of a Rugby League Super League club has got to be a privilege and not a right (except contractually). With that, should come some pride, not only for yourself, but for the club as a whole.
I don't know what happened in The NRL with The Roosters, (I think), but I do remember SM still carrying on as a Sky pundit on "Boots n All" after he had been "moved upstairs" and having absolutely no qualms about any credibility issues that this may have raised! A "brass neck" is required I think. That's as near as I'll get with any personal references.
I wouldn't disagree with any of our signings for 2011,(not even with hindsight), but even if we got a result this week with or without our new signings, I think that so much has been aired not only on this forum, but also in public, that the cracks that have appeared are too great to save us from a messy "divorce" from our head coach.
Thanks for your patience and all the best.
BD and family.