Quote Bradfords top lad="Bradfords top lad"To be honest , I have a part time doing sales on a phone but its boring i sit there for 4 hour without a break on the phone repeating my self like a broken record. What i would like to do is be a receptionist or a administrator , where i am doing different things and different times in the day.'"
Ok, good lad.
I would suggest this: Get yourself a CV together if you haven't already; yes it's boring but it's your platform to success. In the CV, don't waffle on about schools you went to or hobbies, neither are really relevant. Outline your core skills that would apply to the job you are seeking i.e ability to effectively undertake a range of challenging tasks, tenacity, excellent phone manner, patience and problem solving ability with irate customers, willing to work a range of hours as required, good communicator, thrives under pressure, desire to learn new skills etc etc.
In addition, list your most recent role first and DO NOT simply list "responsibilities", it means nothing, just what you were supposed to do but may not have. Do not regurgitate a job description either, employers have no desire to re read what someone else typed in HR originally. The smart way is to label it as as list of achievements. It's a similar thing, but in a cuter way. If you need any additional ideas, look at the types of skills that the jobs you want are requiring (from the paper or online) and requote these as part of that. You are then on their wavelength.
The critical thing an employer wants to read is that you offer value for money, can provide something they are looking for (obvious but you would be stunned how many forget that) and that you have the right attitude. It's really that simple.
Google, Bradford recruitment agencies, arrange appointments, go see them, be on time, smart and polite. Go for temp and permanent roles and the key to success is to be politely blunt and say "I'm a good candidate, I will earn you money". Ultimately, recruitment consultants are there to make money, if they think you will do that, you're on to a winner and a fast track to a job. It's not ideal I realise to go to agencies, but in this climate they have a strong understanding of what is available.
In addition, get on Gumtree, Monster, T&A, etc etc. Keep going fella, don't give in. That seperates you from being just Joe Average! In the meantime, maybe write to the Bulls and ask if you can do a one week work placement or something to show to future employers you are still learning and are committed. BIG selling point. Think of it like a player going on trial.
Good luck and any more advice, feel free to PM me.