Our Ref:
FOI 0749
Your Ref:
Please Contact: John Giddings
Telephone: 01422 393074
Fax: 01422 393073
Date: 29 January 2014
Mr Owen Scott
WDTK Democratic and Partnership Services
Northgate House
Dear Mr Scott
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Request for information
I am writing to you in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the Council under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please can you inform me of any tenants currently in rent arrears at the Shay Stadium. Please include:
1. Tenant name
2. Amount of arrears
3. When the arrears date from
4. Any enforcement action taken to recover the arrears
5. Minutes of any meetings with tenants regarding the current rent arrears
6. Copies of communication with the tenants regarding the arrears
7. Details of any arrangements in place to pay off the arrears
8. Details of any penalties in place for failure to pay the arrears/stick to the arrangement.
9. Any internal correspondence between council departments and/or elected members regarding the arrears
10. If the previous arrangement to pay by 31.12 2013 has been defaulted on, has any action been taken with regards to this arrangement.
1. The amount currently outstanding is due from Halifax RLFC
2. The amount is currently £65,771
3. The arrears primarily relate to rental of the Shay over the period September 2012 to December 2013.
4. We are currently working with Halifax RLFC on recovering the arrears.
5. No minutes were taken at any meetings.
6. Please see documents attached.
7. See answer 4.
8. See answer 4.
9. See Section 17 Notice attached.
10. See answer 4.
If you are unhappy with my response, you should, in the first instance, write to the Head of Democratic & Partnership Services, Northgate House, Northgate, Halifax, HX1 1UN.
Yours sincerely
John Giddings
John Giddings
Principal Information Governance Officer
Without wishing to start any pointless bickering,does anyone
care to comment ??