Quote K-Diddy="K-Diddy"So if we go on what your saying Jacob Miller would be a home-grown player for FC, don't think so.'"
Quote K-Diddy="Anakin Skywalker"It's 3 years before 21st birthday mate. You are correct that it is age over nationality though.'"
That was certainly right until recently and still might be.
However, I have seen a couple of [uhints[/u (nothing official), that the 'Rhys Lovegrove dispensation' might have gone universal, giving us a 'club trained while with club' sub-category.
In some ways this makes sense - to be making it harder for young unproven players like Laurence Pearce or George Griffin (maybe Jamie Shaul?) to get a chance, when a lack of talent is being at least partly blamed for needing to cut to 12 SL clubs would be a bit daft.
But it would certainly be a big shift, as the restrictive approach was meant in large part to focus clubs' minds on their own academies. If clubs can routinely get 19 or 20 year olds in from outside the club or even country to make up their club-trained numbers, that'd be more... flexible. A tacit admission perhaps that the non-fed rule was predicated on inaccurate assumptions about how much domestic talent was going to waste, but without having to say it openly.