Quote DonsNews="DonsNews"To amplify and clarify the club’s statement published by DonsNews earlier this week, the club's management confirm:
Firstly, as stated in our original news item, the Dons fully support the benefits of a ‘Doncaster’ brand and will play its part in conjunction with others to promote sport in the community and our town.
Secondly, with regards to the kit. The club had already been exploring, with our kit manufacturer, designs for the 2013 season away strip. The alternatives at present are based upon a red and white colour theme.
As these are developed it is likely, as we did for this season’s away strip, the club will take soundings from those who are interested by displaying a range of designs at the presentation night at the season end. After which the preferred design will be put to the RFL for formal approval.
The Rovers hooped red and white strip design has never been one of the alternatives considered, anyway Wigan got their first!'"
Well this is indeed progress.
So unless I am mistaken the Free Press are wrong in thinking we will play in red and white hoops.
I, and I believe most others, have no objection whatsoever if the Dons want to play in red and white to fit in with the Rovers colour scheme.
That's half of the problem gone away at a stroke.
And further more if the brand is the 'Doncaster brand' then the matter is closed.
Which would also mean that the Free Press are wrong again in calling it the 'Doncaster Rovers brand'.
I do hope this is the case and perhaps DonsNews could confirm this.
Thank you DonsNews for your post.
I for one feel a lot happier as a result.
Let's get back to what matters ... rugby league, our fine side and our promotion to the higher flight.