Quote rupert bear="rupert bear"I can understand the sharing of resources, suppliers etc as long as we remain totally independant, however i do agree with SO that wearing a look alike Rovers strip will make us look like some cheap off shoot of the Rovers. I think next season the away shirt should be a 'Help for Heroes' themed shirt in honour of Ben Parkinson and his brave efforts.'"
I didn't actually use those words, it was The Prodigal Don.
It's all very 'closing the door after the horse as bolted', is this matter.
So it is done.
No amount of chatter on here will change that.
But just to reiterate for the final time.
First, Doncaster Rovers get custody of the Keepmoat for 99 years at £100,000 per annum. I do hope that is index linked, because years down the line £100,000 will be the average wage and years after that peanuts!
Result = the Rovers are in charge of the stadium.
Result = the Rovers will want to influence (and possibly control) ALL aspects of what happens in that stadium that they sensibly can, short of actually running the 'tenant teams'.
Second, someone had a notion to rationalise and have economies which will benefit all clubs by sharing administration etc etc.
Nothing whatsoever wrong with that. It makes perfect sense.
Third, someone had a vision that because we have a these things in common we should also have a brand. Again nothing wrong with that apart from what would this brand be?
Would it be 'Doncaster'? No, not at all! It will be 'Doncaster Rovers'. It says so in the Free Press.
All clubs playing in the stadium will come under the brand 'Doncaster Rovers'. Is it mandatory this brand?
Fourth, We agree to use Doncaster Rovers style shirts as our away strip.
Why is this? It's not been explained yet. Are we trying to be helpful or is it part of this 'Doncaster Rovers' brand thing?
There are benefits, there must be or why agree to this?
I would like to know just what they are.
Will Doncaster Rovers market the Dons? If so, in a better way than at present and provide them with better opportunities?
That would be a good thing in theory.
We would be part of an alliance then though wouldn't we?
Not just a tenant.
And that's how it looks now. That we are not just a tenant and that we are entering into an alliance with the Rovers with them as the major shareholder.
Harlequins/Broncos, Newcastle United/Falcons, Wigan/Wigan Warriors etc spring to mind.
So to recap ......the 'Doncaster Rovers Brand' and us playing in the Doncaster Rovers away strip look like two layers of the thin end of the wedge.
It seems clear who the new bosses are.
One other thing .... why has there been such a lack of comment on here about what has happened?
I can only assume most people are happy with proceedings, or not bothered!