Quote WormInHand="WormInHand"Looking at that it looks like Senior didn't just tackle him. To me it looks like he attempts to trip Walker with his right foot hooked around Chev's lower leg. That left the top half of his shin propelled forward without the bottom half causing the horrendous break.
OK Senior is mortified afterwards, but that looks to me like an illegal and dangerous challenge in the first place. Surprised no-one has picked up on this but then replays have, of course, been restricted.'"
Never saw a lot wrong with the tackle myself, just looks like chevs leg gets stuck under him and the outcome can be seen by all. Horrific to watch at the time.
On the subject of cheering an injury, I thinl theres a fine dividing line about when its done. we all cheer a hard big hit and at the instant it happens it seems great. When it becomes unacceptable is if the player then stays down and is obviously hurt. I wont say no one wants to see a player hurt cos I guess all clubs have morons who cheer and wave to a player been carried off but in general the vast majority of RL fans will applaud an injured player from the pitch.