Quote bringbackbuck="bringbackbuck"I think Jimmy comes across really well in the media, all be it I might not like what he's saying but he certainly does it well. '"
I think most people would have agreed with that until his comments today, which appear to have been something of a tipping point in regards to how the fans perceive him.
Quote bringbackbuck="bringbackbuck" He's also a local lad, which I think is a plus and you cannot argue with the club's financial situation under his stewardship. '"
Couldn't care less where he comes from TBH, I'd rather have a Chief Exec from China that cares aboout the club than one from Hull that doesn't.
Quote bringbackbuck="bringbackbuck"
As for how he got the job, as far as I know, from leaving Hymers he went off to uni and then had a mostly unsuccessful career as a pro rugby player in the UK and France. He eventually wound up in the marketing department at Leeds; from whence he was plucked for us.
Let's be honest £75k for a CEO is small change, so he's cheap too.
So sort of the Ewan Dowes of Chief Execs then?
Quote bringbackbuck="bringbackbuck"
For me the only critiscism I could have of him is his faith in Agar. However I do like the way he publicly and completely backs his coach.
Loyalty and conviction in your beliefs is admirable up to a point, the time comes though when it starts to look like either stupidity or arrogance. I think we've reached that point now.
On the subject of Rule, can anyone clear up the rumour about him being engaged to Kaff's daughter?