Quote Redscat="Redscat"As I've alluded to before on this forum, there is a general in-built apathy towards spectator sport in this city. Just ask the former supporters of Wakefield RU, Wakefield AFC & Wakefield Cricket Club. That apathy spreads elsewhere in the city, which explains the exceptional high rate of empty commercial and retail premises and the remains of what was once a market and town centre to be proud of.'"
There may be apathy towards Wakefield Trinity at the moment and yes, there are a number of extinct sporting organisations in the city BUT, there is no link between this and the number of empty commercial premises in the city.
Ironically (with Wakefields current difficulty in securing a new home), this is due to mickey poor town planning.
Half the world is buying their stuff on the internet but, town planners keep on trying to open new shopping centres to encourage shopper's and then wonder why the city centres are like ghost towns and Wakefield is a "good" example of this.
The warehousing and manufacture of goods for sale is a whole different issue although Wakefields geographical location together with its proximity to the motorway and rail network, make it an ideal location for distribution across the north of the country and those people responsible, have a much easier "sell" than many other areas.
Back on the sporting front, times have changed dramatically and with the exception of Premiership football and top end Rugby Union, plus major events, most people are happy to stay at home or watch in the pub.
RL has to work damn hard for its spectators and Wakefield haven't done enough to look after the new fans found during the Glover era, although, 2 years of dire performances on the field of play certainly haven't helped.
I wouldn't suggest going back to the £80 season ticket but IF we want 6000+ plus spectators at home matches there needs to be a re think on "selling" the club to the public.
People wont come just because we are here.