Quote FickleFingerOfFate="FickleFingerOfFate"[uI believe Jordan Tansey is no longer on our books. I could be wrong?[/u
As for not being a 'specialist', he's more specialist than anyone else in the squad apart from Max.'"
Your right. We got rid of him in August to Hudds and he played there a couple of times. What they've done with him since, I don't know.
I think it's clear how much MC and CC rate Max, they've both spoken about him often enough over the past season in glowing terms. So I don't think there's no fear that he's going to get over looked this year for Grix. Has as been mentioned, the lads had an operation he's recovering from and it will take time to be fully fit. This is where Grix has been a good signing, to cover times like this but also take some of the pressure regarding the amount of games we play, off of young Max's back.
As others have mentioned, although Grix isn't Billy Slater, he's developed into a really good fullback for Hudds over the years, especially in the area of orgainsing the defensive lines. As well as witnessing myself when Hudds have played us, Ive heard on TV the likes of Crabtree and Robinson, rave on about that part of his game. Hopefully Grix can pass on anything he can to Max that will make him the best player he can be. Also a little competition for places never hurt anyone.