Quote John_D="John_D"Good final considering both players were out on their feet. Three games made it a long old day for them, but there's not many who leave so much out there on the oche in beating Taylor and come back to win. No, King wasn't at his best, but he still had to be put away and Nicholson did the job.
Also, nice to see dartists wearing ties. Gives the game a bit of authority that it in no way deserves.'"
Great days darts all the way through, think Nicholson has the killer instinct the likes of Baxter, Lloyd and even Adrian Lewis lack and exciting times with his and Whitlock on the prowl.
A wounded Taylor might rampage through the Premier League but there is hope for the others and with Barney and Wade always likely to be in a not today please mood the door is open for a Lewis or King to push on if they can get their acts together.