Quote hula89="hula89"There is one part of the Salary Cap i agree with. If the cap wasnt there then there is a good chance we'd all have teams paying huge sums of money in total and our tickets would go up. As it stands the Rugby is good to watch the talent is there and if they are willing to sod off to yawnion for more money then we dont want them in our game anyway (except those twilight players who go to add a few more years to their careers having paid their dues).
I dont think that Homegrown talent should be exempt from the cap but I think they should count less. If they wer exempt then they'd be getting ridiculous wages and the costs would be passed on to the fans in ticket prices.'"
It doesn't follow that the teams that pay most on wages charge the most for tickets. That is not true now and if a club is well run as a business it will get most of its income from sponsorship and so on compared to gate receipts.
If the salary cap were divided equally among the 25 players its for that's an average wage of £66K. Now we know some get much more than that and so some get less. In my opinion £66k (never mind less than that) is peanuts for a professional sportsman in one of the main spectator sports of this country.
Cruncher his the nail on the head with this remark IMO:
Quote hula89While I agree that those who appear to be irrationally greedy - the Gasniers and SBWs of this world - will always want more than RL can provide and may as well leave, it's far too complex a situation to just say "anyone who wants a bit more can sod off". Some just want what they're worth.'"
The whole idea of the salary cap is based on clubs not being able to pay players what they are worth.
The idea is they can't do so without breaking the cap so they go to another RL club. The trouble is most other RL clubs can't pay them what they are worth either because they simply can't afford it or are one of the clubs already paying to the full cap level.
If players don't leave for RU or whatever the net result is they must accept a lower wage and I have a real issue with idea of the cap forcing players to take a lower wage to remain in the game.
It's one of the the toughest pro sports that does not pay that highly anyway and we want to curb the players wages? If you want to have a pro sport you need to be prepared to pay for it in good wages and no, that does not mean we will end up with soccer style obscene weekly wages. There isn't enough money in the game for that and there never will be but we should be looking to increase the cap to give the players fair reward and also to encourage players to take the sport up and not chose RU or another path instead and also to make it less tempting to move to the NRL never mind RU.
If we matched the NRL salary cap then decisions to leave would be based on playing and lifestyle factors only. Not money. IMO if the level of the cap isn't increased soon it will be easy for players to justify leaving simply for the money. It's ironic because the exchange rate always worked for us making it possible to tempt the best Aussies over here but now I can see little incentive for them to come and that is not a good thing because while we want home grown players we also want to see the best players come to SL.