Quote Bill Sonny="Bill Sonny"Are people surprised that players would want to move to Australia or something? I'm surprised it's not more like 90% + of players asked'"
This poll wasn't just a simple matter of "would you like to earn more money" and it wasn't just aimed at those players who might actually interest NRL clubs but al of them few of whom actually have a chance of interesting NRl clubs. To me that means the results are more disturbing. Here are some quotes and a link:
AN AMAZING three-quarters of Super League players admit they are thinking of quitting the competition.
And more than a third say they have struggled so badly with depression that it has affected their career.
The shock results are revealed in the first-ever poll of players, carried out by Rugby League World and 1eague3.
Jon Wilkin, who is the chairman of players’ association 1eague3, believes they are revelations that the game needs to wise up to quickly.
The St Helens and England forward said: “I found some of the results really surprising. They certainly weren’t what some of my preconceived ideas were.”
The game is in danger of being robbed of its stars because of big bucks offers from the NRL and rugby union. Both rival organisations can pay their players far more than Super League clubs, with several Brits already in Australia.
Wilkin added: “To have 75 per cent say that they have an interest in leaving the competition is very significant.
“There seems to be a lot of positive momentum towards leaving the game in this country and that’s something that we need to address.”
More than half of all Super League players took part in the poll, with the issue of depression being tackled for the first time. A staggering 34 per cent said they had dealt with depression, to the extent that it has impacted on their performances.
Former Great Britain hooker Terry Newton killed himself in 2010 and Brett Seymour attempted suicide earlier this year when he was a Hull player. News of the widespread depression problems in the game is a huge worry, says Wilkin.
He added: “To see that 34 per cent of the players that replied have had an issue with depression, and that it’s played a part in their professional career, was a shockingly high statistic.”
“One of the big issues for us is that players’ opinions have never really been taken seriously in the game”
Wilkin believes it is vital that action is now taken to listen to the players’ concerns before another tragedy happens.
He said: “One of the big issues for us is that players’ opinions have never really been taken seriously in the game.
“Individual players have been asked their opinion but they are usually the high-profile players who have had good careers.
“This survey gave us the opportunity to cover all bases and hear what young and old players alike think, whatever their profile is.”
The survey also revealed that a huge 97 per cent believe the sport isn’t marketed well enough.
To me that reads worse than just high profile and the leagues better players thinking about a move to Oz but a lot of far more average players who would not get a game out there simply thinking of quitting the game.