Quote inside_man="inside_man"I have to say i disagree with your second point.
With regards to ainscough and tomkins, ainscough hasn't played many more games than was predicted for him at the beginning of the season, therefore he hasn't been thrust into any first team action that wasn't expected to be a case.'"
That may be true regarding the number of games he has actually played but you are not suggesting this was the plan all along? That is he was always going to play in the games he has played in?
If he has reached a quota of games should he not play any more this season?
Quote inside_man As for tomkins, again his prediction was only to play a similar number of games to ainscough, but he has made a very good impact and has therefore forced the management into giving him much more game time.'"
Which of course means any notion that a young player should only play a certain number of games is daft. If they are good enough they are old enough as Tomkins is proving. Stating a player will only get a certain number of games leaves you with a self imposed restriction you may regret.
I think many of us would have liked to have seen both these players be given the odd game in 2008 because they would have benefited form the experience. Ainscough is 20 in September I think, Sam has turned 20 already. So I think there is something in what the o/p says in that they ought not to be coming from nowhere and at this age and already have more appearances than they do under their belts.
However I don't think prescribing a young player should only play a certain number of games depending what season they are in and at some point simply be dropped regardless of form because he has played a few games (which is what happened to Ainscough) is sensible or beneficial to the player.
Quote inside_manAs for drip feeding youth into the team, last year was the first big year for Joel Tomkins, and years before that players like Prescott, O'Carroll, Hansen have all been brought through.'"
So do you think J Tomkins would have been brought through if Lockers had not got injured? I don't and I know others think the same.
Quote inside_manIf there is an area that i'm not particularly concerned about its the youth development at wigan, Leneghan especially seems keen to ensure that we our youth get game time as soon as they are ready an become mainstays of the first team.'"
Leneghan may well be keen on youth but all of J Tomkins, S Tomkins and Ainscough got the chances they did because of injury or suspensions. Not one of them was deliberately introduced at the time they were to give them some game time. I can't remember if that has ever happened at all under Noble. Prescott and O'Carroll are two of only five props at the club so I don't even think they count as Noble has little alternative but to play one of them if he insists on a four prop team.
We produce the young players but under Noble it has IMO been mismanaged and if the squad remained fully fit I doubt we would have seen Sam T and Ainscough much at all.