Quote Jim E="Jim E"labour have bankrupt the country not controlled the borders sold off our gold at a fraction of todays price and are now about to sell off the rest of our few remaining assets and have started two wars one which iam sure was illegal and have squanderd billions on quangos and made a lot of lawyers very wealthy people,and law and order is a joke your more likely to get criminalised for leaving a bin out overnight than comitting a murder or other serious offence they have with high taxes driven out more companies to move abroad which means we are losing more jobs and revenue for the public purse and all engineering has been closed down or moved out thank god for the super markets for a job supply only snag is what is the alternative?'"
Do you have money in your pocket?
Do you have a job?
Is inflation sky high?
Are the banks still trading?
Is there food available at a the supermarket?
Jobs are not being lost as much as the Toerags would have us believe.
This country is far from bankrupt.
If the Toerags had been in charge of all this our country would be on its knees and you would be o lot more angry than you are now.
Have you lot been asleep through this global rececsion.