Quote Paul Youane="Paul Youane" J. Crompton is a Saints fan so we should perhaps be relieved that he is not still bleating on about the RFL's anti-Saints conspiracy to slow the play-the-ball down and take all the skill and entertainment out of the game. We all miss the five quick scoots from acting half - it truly was the most entertaining rugby ever seen.'"
So you would say that Super League as of now is more entertaining as a product than it used to be? The slowing the play the ball down was in response to the NRL doing it, in a false belief that it would improve play and make it more entertaining. Now with the 2 referees and a better play the ball the NRL is once again far quicker, so it's gone full circle.
It's interesting to note that Mick Potter this week said, "The rucks were slower but there were a lot of calls that need to be looked at and I am investigating that now. I have made contact with Stuart Cummings [head of referees and I am waiting for outcome, but I was not happy the performance of the guy in the middle. I am trying to get him to be accountable like our players are.
There were some six second play the balls which is unacceptable if you want to see some good rugby league. If you do not take action then you get a drab game of RL and I feel for the fans if you have to sit though that. I am addressing that with the officials at present." (From [urlhttp://www.saintsrlfc.com/news/2361[/url )
Reading between the lines I think Ian Smith will once again be conveniently refereeing somewhere else when Saints games are on, after Daniel Anderson succeeded in stopping him refereeing Saints matches a couple of years ago.
Ian Millward also recently said that Super League is doomed unless they improve the way the game is interpreted over here as it's a terrible specatacle. [urlhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/rugby_league/8550761.stm[/url
The NRL at the moment looks 100 times better than Super League. Slow play the balls = Boring. Ultra quick with messy play the balls is silly too, so we need to find the middle ground. Teams with good go forward should be rewarded with quicker play the balls and forward momentum, getting the opposition on the back foot and opening things up. If you are dominant in defense you can stop said momentum and prevent the rolling Cunningham, Roby, Cunningham-esque marches that used to destroy Super League teams.