Quote Ian 77 Redux="Ian 77 Redux"[I'm assuming you're on the wind up here but if you're not then
1) If a pre-season trip was about quality of opposition then we wouldn't have gone all that way. It clearly isn't.
2) If we did stay in the UK, I doubt we'd have got a decent run out anyway.
3) If the 200 or so Warrington fans that are in Australia are upset about the prospect of playing half a Souths team they need some perspective in their lives. And their bumps feeling.
As I say, I assume you're on the wind up anyway (although I know there are some that won't be when they read the team!)'"
Wind up? yes and no
Firstly as i've already stated i 'get' the reasons for going out there.
It's great for the players, top facilities, weather, bit of a break away from the norm.
Coaching staff and club officials making friends and ties and swapping ideas in order to both raise relations and more than likely increase revenue streams.
With that i'm completely in full agreement with the tour.
My main gripe is this
If i could have afforded this i would have gone, i'd have took the wife and yes i'll be honest even without the rugby would have probably had an amazing time BUT as a fan i would have loved to have seen MY team playing the strongest possible SSR team that were available because that was the intial draw for going.
I'd love to see were my team stood in terms of quality and i'll be honest if we won now it would be hollow, it all just seems a bit pointless now (for us fans) that love the best available 'contest' they can get.
The type of supporter i am is the one who is disappointed when the oppositions best player is injured. If we are playing Wigan i want Tomkins and Lockers on the pitch. I've never been in to the friendlies in which just the kids play, maybe it's just me.
Just slightly disappointed it's a 2nd string side we have to play when they could have quite easily put the big guns on, maybe as a sign of respect for travelling so far.
Quote Ian 77 Redux2) If we did stay in the UK, I doubt we'd have got a decent run out anyway.'"
I'm sure after some nice warm weather training in the Canaries we'd have had a great game against Wigan (O'Loughlin testamonial) with 2 full squads and no jet lag.
I'm 50/50 on this now before i was just 100% behind it (from me the fans' point of view)