Quote chrissyg1996(2)="chrissyg1996(2)"Can we just lock this post please, why on earth would we take a coach who has failed at two poor teams in Hull Fc and Wakefield to a top end of the table team. Ludicrous rumour.'"
bury your head in the sand then...its happening and thats a fact.
He has requested to leave with 2 years left on a contract and has not been sacked or paid off.
Put it into perpective...why would he do that unless he had something much better on the cards ?
He would hardly jack it in for a move to somewhere like Bradford or worse still down to championship he is far too arrogant for that, so where else would he be going ?? you can discount a number of teams in an instant.
either Hull team - Never in a million years
Leeds or Wigan - Not a hope in Hell
Salford - No way
Giants, Saints - No way.
The only realistic alternative would be Catalans with the french connection but a good source at the club has said he is definately going to warrington under smith for when he heads home to australia.
For what its worth I can't believe it myself and surely if that was going to be the case Lee Briers would be the obvious choice as I am sure he would make a great coach and have warrington playing the same brand of rugby as he did when he was playing.