Quote redmatt77="redmatt77"a046.gif Why dont we all buy tickets for the stand opp the main stand, and just stand up when the game is on (the new shed?).
Side view and standing (sit down at half time for the old ones).
Or is that too simple?'"
You can get away with it away from home but its a different story @ your own ground, you don't poo on your own doorstep.
You want to stand and watch salford you go behind the goal.
If you want to watch from the side you have to sit
I think its just a bit Cheeky that for years during designing of the stadium us fans made a point that standing was a must and when it gets delivered we contemplate standing in the sitting stand.
Most away games you have 200+ standing and the rest sitting at all seated stadiums so @ home games I recon you can double it and add the people who want to watch the game behind the goal 500-750 maybe capacity of the whole stand is 2k so it might be half full if we r lucky.
What I predict will happen is most will sit on the side because of habit, the persistent standers will go behind the goal and hopefully with the new fans who will come because the new stadium will go in-between.