Quote the flying biscuit="the flying biscuit"Why How Many Castlford Fans Have been on the Widnes Site having a go at Steve Oconnor when he put Money into Widnes ..?
How Many Widnes and Cas Fans have been on the Bradford Forum When Omar Kahn Put Money into the Bulls........?
Face It Koukash is a whopper, '"
I would have thought Castleford fans would have been too busy questioning how Dick Wright,former CEO,got away with telling them,and the RFL,about a new stadium,which hasn't arrived.
Then Steve Ferres,getting them to join a Membership scheme and then leaving,along with Fozzard,the commercial director.
Quite a busy year for them but some seem obsessed with Salford.
Widnes fans have seen O'Connor recruit James Rule as CEO,an individual who,while at Hull,tried a whopper with the UK Anti-Doping agency.
As for putting money in I don't think Stobart,and it's links with O'Connor,put any money into their sponsorship and,of course,no blue chip companies,as suggested at the time,have followed and poured any money into sponsorship of the game or any individual club.
Now we have your opinion please keep away unless and until Omar Khan spends more money between now and the end of the year than is spent by Salford on new players.