Quote LincolnDEVILSFan="LincolnDEVILSFan"I believe there is an RFL club just the other side of the M60, come to some arrangement with them and build the facilities we need.
As for the weights aren't heavy enough, I've been to specialist training camps that are used by the GB athletics team. When you get 20/30 guys trying to squat upwards of 200kgs, etc, etc, the heavy plates disappear pretty quickly.'"
Correct! I have a few mates in elite sports of various denominations and from what I hear, the facilities they are privvy to are phenomenal. Twice the size of the average gym with twice as many weights and floor space, all in use in unison under the supervision of specially trained scientists. I know my mates in swimming undergo regular weekly tests that measure for blood lactate levels, free radicals, red blood cell count, cardiovascular output etc etc etc. They're essentially pin cushions!
From what I hear from another mate currently working towards his Ph.D in sport science, in conjunction with Warrington, there are only a sample of clubs in rugby league remotely close the elite standard when it comes to sport science. Surprisingly, we're not one, shy by a good couple of £million of infrastructure and invaluable connections with university based sport scientists. Although if anyone at the club reads this, you may want to consider contacting MMU, your local sport science friends!
Sport has changed and Salford RL would need to undergo a complete overhaul just to keep close to the shirt tails of the others clubs in respect of training facilities.