Quote PopTart="PopTart"I tend to agree.
I like Clarkey in particular but he has got a bit too serious recently.
I thought all the commentary teams over Magic weekend were good. I think Barrie Mac will step up more and more to replace Stevo as he gets older. He's clearly an intelliegent guy who was just poorly educated. He is finding a way of showing it now.
Have to add Carney to that too. Supermen series is good and the interviews he does would have been messed up by some more experienced inetrviewers.'"
I'd agree with that.
I like Eddie when he just sticks to commentating instead of his opinion. Stevo can be stupid sometimes but I can't help but like him.
Clarke does my head in. In the fact that when he's fawning over one team he can be pretty good with some useful insights, although the stats thing has gone a bit too far on occasions. But I think he's very good when talking about the sport in general.
Carney I think is superb and has to be the future. Often insightful and always impartial.
Wells is good for a bit of analysis.
Barrie I think is getting better and better as is Rod Studd.
Terry, sadly, still makes me cringe.
Overall not much needs changing, just a bit less opinion & constantly reviewing and commenting on controversial decisions, and a bit more commentating from Eddie & Stevo and I think the whole thing would be much better.