Quote suedehead.="suedehead."It isn't childish in the least, he is an incredibly unpleasant man and player. I doubt outside of the Leeds Rhinos you will find another player in the country who has any respect for the man.'"
That attitude would be acceptable if Bailey ever caused a serious injury to an opposition player through a malicious tackle, but he never has, unlike players such as Sonny Nickle, Vila Matautia, Terry Newton, Brandon Costin, Andy Dannatt etc.
All he ever does is niggle - it is amazing so many people 'hate' him. Only one yellow card in his career as well. Chev Walker got a longer criminal sentence for that incident way back, but he is not vilified. Adrian Morley and Barrie McDermott built careers on their hard-man reputations (aka thuggery) and have done far worse to players from other teams. You have to wonder how much race does come into it.