Quote Wire_Yed_79="Wire_Yed_79"not even the best player at quins ?'"
3 and a half years without missing a game until two weeks ago. Over 100 consecutive games, and a very solid 80 minute hooker.
Chad Randall is easily one of our best players, and incredibly underrated by anyone outside of the club. Whilst I love Purdham, Orr, LMS et al, I think I'd put Randall as the best player in our squad.
[url=http://www.superleague.co.uk/statistics_player.php?hs1=2009&hp1=1983&hs2=2009&hp2=1160&stat=metres&season=2009Here's[/url a comparison to James Roby for this year. Down on a few areas but majorly up in a few others.