Quote Hedgehog King="Hedgehog King"Given that "rugby" itself is merely the name of the school / town that the game was first played in an organised form, it would be nice to name it after the place where the RFL / NU was founded. Unfortunately Huddersfield just doesn't sound right.'"
Although RU is named after the school whose rules were adopted, they were adopted at a meeting in a Pall Mall restaurant.
So, we should tell them to change theirs to Pall Mall Ball.
RL was called League because it was played in Leagues, which RU wasn't, they were a bit picky about stuff like that, you had to play for the sake of playing, winning was an incidental and, as for having a league table ... well, that would have been beyond the pale, old boy.
(That's "beyond the pale" comma "old boy" ... not "beyond the pale old boy"icon_wink.gif.
If we dropped the League part of the name, the RU crowd would swoop it up pretty damn sharpish to describe the league structure of their divisions.
I say we keep League.
And we keep Rugby too because it evolved from the Rugby rules game.
And we keep Football for the same reason.
But RL did the "playing in a League table" bit before RU did.
So how about "Original Rugby League Football"? ... and compel the BBC to call it by that name.
They'd have to keep saying "Original" over and over again.
I astound myself sometimes.