Quote GIANT DAZ="GIANT DAZ"Werent Huddersfield shot down a couple of years ago for doing a cheap ST deal??
or is it a case of its a bloody brilliant idea if any other club does it ? just wondering why Bradford, who have had plenty of success and fans recently, are being commended for doing this but my club were giving an abundance of grief for trying to get our fan base up ?'"
Its not an unreasonable point. Not at all.
I think one big difference is that you have a wealthy owner and Bulls do not. Maybe another big difference is that you were trying to improve a fan base that was historically far too low, whereas Bulls were trying to arrest and significantly reverse a scary plummeting fanbase from a much higher recent historic level.
But maybe the key difference was that in your case the Owner was making cheap tickets available IIRC unconditionally? In Bulls case, the pricing would only be applicable if enough people actually pledged up front to buy a season ticket.
In your case, it was a generous gesture from the chairman to try and encourage an increase in your too-low core fanbase. Slated by some, but as I said at the time a sound strategy where you have a rich owner willing and able to bankroll it - and fund the playing staff needed to dramatically improve the on-field performances. Lowish-risk, very sound incremental strategy entirely appropriate to the circumstances.
In our case, the club bet its future on a challenge to the fans and lapsed fans and armchair fans to show and prove they still wanted a SL club in Bradford. This after the disaster of Harrisgate, the previous administration squandering the Odsal settlement and the fruits of our "glory" years - together with a lack of a rich owner - having contributed to worsening and finally disastrous performances on the park. Very high risk emergency strategy to stop the looming plane crash, entirely appropriate to the circumstances.
Neither strategy would have been appropriate to or would have worked in the other's situation.
And, in the event, the Bulls fans and Bradford rose to the challenge, and we pulled off something quite amazing - the implications of which will likely have far-reaching consequences. You'd feel a lot better joining, working for, sponsoring, investing in a club whose fans had just given it such a resounding endorsement than one whose crowds were plummeting and seemed set to continue to do so at least until things improved dramatically on the park - which with crowds now so low they likely never would.
That anyway is my take on the differences - you posed a very valid question, so I've made an attempt at a reasoned answer.