Quote GreenThe Bradford owner, who bought the club out of administration exactly eight weeks ago, would like to beat the season’s highest attendance of 10,106 who saw the derby clash with Leeds at Easter.'"
So would we all, but he knows that the reality is a crowd between 5000 - 6000.
“Sunday’s game is arguably Bradford Bulls’ most important since they were winning trophies – and some would say it’s possibly even bigger than that,” said Green.
Quote Green="Green"I’m aware of the frustrations of the fans but I would urge each and every one of them to make an effort
The 5000 core fans have already decided to make the effort.
The extra 5000+ are NOT people who will EVER pay money to watch if it is an "effort". They are fans who can easily be temptd by attractive fare, and if they think it's worth the money they may well go to a game. At the moment there is zero chance of any non-core fan thinking it is worth the money to watch the very real possibility of another woeful half-hearted humiliation by a bunch of disinterested players dragging their chins around at walking pace, so Mr. Green is wasting his breath. He might as well advertise in Spain for Real Madrid fans to make the trip.
Quote Green="Green"“I realise fans have walked away in their droves and that they wanted to see the club being run professionally, ethically and with a certain code of conduct.'"
But the fans have not walked away in their droves. Indeed it is quite astonishing how over 5000 fans will still come even to be served such regular dross.
Quote Green="Green"“I would like to think that myself and my board have demonstrated that during the past eight weeks, so it would be great to see the whole city get behind the team and create a cauldron of noise. '"
Speaking for myself, Mr. Green, you have not demonstrated much to me at all. We hardly ever hear a word from you.
We don't know whether the club is being run professionally. How would we be able to judge that? We don't know if the club is being run "ethically". One aspect of ethics is not shafting local businesses who had dealings with the old Bulls. We al know you are not responsible for the debts arising, but nobody has told us whether you intend to pay off all, some or none of the creditors of OKB so on what can we judge?
As for the notion that to get the whole city into Odsal bowl and create a 'cauldron of noise', the thing that would achieve that would be to satisfy the hordes that the club was being run professionally/ ethically etc., really? I mean, when we had the record crowd against Leeds, what percentage thought" Well, the main thing is, the club is being run ethically so I will go"?
Quote Green="Green"“When we beat Catalan and Warrington at home recently, the support from the fans was outstanding and to get that in bigger numbers would give the players a massive lift as they walk out. '"
But as you have not directly said a word about their performance of late, why are you not instead urging each and every one of the PLAYERS to make an effort? You say it would give these players a lift. Well, read your coaches comments. He doesn't even know if the players intend to turn up and thinks it quite possible that many of them won't, and if so he says we could well be embarrassed again. Do you feel that is consistent with your message? How many extra fans do you think Cummins' bleak and dispirited condemnation will add to the gate? Was he wrong?
Quote Green="Green"“If we lose, does that mean we are relegated? '"
Er, yes. Unless we are already as good as relegated in which case the game is actually meaningless.
Quote Green="Green"“We will probably be one of several teams to go to Catalan and lose this year – you could name the two or three teams who will go there and win.'"
Surely you know it's about the performance they put up, and not the result??
Quote Green="Green"...Francis has had extremely weakened squads during my time at the club....“He has seen the guts ripped out of his team through what happened earlier this year... Francis has been hindered by the injuries we have suffered....lost players to injury...'"
Everyone knows all this. Those may all be entirely valid reasons for losing games, but that's not the issue. It is the embarrassing "performances" that is the elephant in the room.