Quote wire women="wire women"Ha ha!! Opened a can of worms there i see !! Dont blame tescos etc. Why didn t your club improve things in the hay day and put money into it. No answers to yesterdays problems then?'"
Firstly, because the club did not own the ground. The council did.
Secondly, because TWO major council/club proposals to redevelop the ground came to naught, because the developers pulled out or could not deliver.
Thirdly, the club took over a long leasehold on the ground several years ago. And spent I think it was pushing £2m on work on the ground. Where do you think the Coral Stand at the other end came from? Bulls paid for that. But the club has no wealthy backer, and does not have anything like the funds for building new stands. Never did have. It needs partners, and - unlike you, Saints, Wigan, Salford (soon) etc we were not allowed a retail partner. Nor did our council have a telecoms company to sell, or the club a cricket ground to sell.
Fourthly, what you called our "heyday" lasted but a few years, and over that time the club at best broke even. Very few RL clubs ever make sustained profits - your has not - and so cannot generate the funds internally for major stadium works. You need either a rich owner - ideally a property developer - or a major supermarket - to be able to do that.
Finalyy, you would still be at Wilderspool if it was not for Tesco. Your rugby club company is technically insolvent - it was not that from which any funding came. So please don't lecture us about that subject. Tesco effectively built you a stadium. That did not happen for us. That was your good fortune, and good luck to you - you deserved a break after some years of going through what we now are.
As for "answers to yesterday's problems", why the hell are you asking us? Some of our fans had the same experience. Try asking the club?