=#FF0000As ever this week's issues highlighted in Red
Quote Frosties.="Frosties."Your scores are as follows:
7 points - Sibbs Rhinos (Top Tipster)
6 points - Baby Rhino 3, Knaresborough Rhino II, Number Two
5 points - finglas, craigloiner, Gotcha, roger_r, Sir Kev, Gooner Boy, steve slippery morris, Sarahgrhino, EmmaMur01
=#FF00004 points - rhinoms, rotherham rhino, billie joes red hair, =#FF0000rhinochris, tomhutch, JMT, FoxyRhino, rodhutch, Baby Rhino II
=#FF00003 points - Sam Buca, LS16_Rhino, =#FF0000leicester_rhino, rhino46, Frosties, Highbury Rhino, The Biffs Back, Pet Rhino, HyperbolicRhino, ennjay, =#FF0000Southstander.com
2 points - LFCRhino, TVOC, Glenn Quagmire, rhinos69, bernedette gill, Old Feller, Hopie
1 point - Deanos Rhinos
The table is as follows:
125 - JMT
122 - Number Two, FoxyRhino, Highbury Rhino
121 - Rhino46
120 - Gotcha
118 - Rhinos69
117 - Craigloiner, Old Feller
116 - EmmaMur01, steve slippery morris, Hopie
115 - Ls16_Rhino, ennjay, LFCRhino
112 - rodhutch
=#FF0000111 - Knaresborough Rhino II, Baby Rhino II, rhinoms, =#FF0000rhinochris, =#FF0000Southstander.com
110 - Sir Kev
109 - Sarahgrhino, tomhutch, TVOC
108 - finglas, Frosties
107 - Baby Rhino 3, roger_r, Pet Rhino, HyperbolicRhino
106 - The Biffs Back, deanos rhinos
103 - Sam Buca, Glenn Quagmire
101 - rotherhamrhino, Clearwing
96 - mirfieldrhino
91 - Gooner Boy
89 - Sibbs Rhinos
85 - SuperWebb
84 - LauraLouise
82 - Bernadette Gill
80 - rugbyleague88
76 - billie joes red hair, SeniorFan
61 - The Joker, Brian Norton
53 - Wheels
50 - Pokerface
47 - RhinoNeil
33 - wilderspool memories
27 - Abbot Out, Inflatable_Armadillo
=#FF000022 - =#FF0000Leicester_Rhino
17 - Tad Rhino
16 - Loop
12 - Mick Gledhill
11 - bewildered, Lord Magoon
10 - BJS16
9 - LS13
9 - Floydy
8 - Philip Hart
6 - efcrhino
5 - Dozy
3 - Ashton Bears
2 - Bob-Marley
This unfortunately will be the final week for commenting and correcting the weekly results, acting as the self-appointed conscience and safety net.
I actually still think that it isn't that difficult a comp to run accurately and wish Frosties all the best in proving that statement to be correct.
As Frosties would say, Good Luck To All