Quote G1="G1"Based upon what I have seen, when they play actual rugby, not from reading statistics after the event, Hall has had a terrific season. Moon has had an inconsistent season.
I'm not writing him off. I've seen enough to think he can be a good player. But I recognise that he has shown some failings. Watch friday how many times he will be heading towards Hall, step off his left to straighten his run and be easily tackled. He takes this option far more than supplying Hall or using Hall as a foil.
I am afraid Juan I can't show you any opta stats about this so you might have to actually watch the game to see it.'"
I too base my opinion on what I see played on the pitch. However it is useful to be able to back opinion up with facts.
Hall has not had a terrific season. He has been well below his own high standards for much of the season. I do not fault his work rate or his go forward. But his finishing has been well below his own par with nobody else to blame. His handling has been poor as has his missed tackling which has led to cruicial tries being scored against us eg his miss on Westwood on Saturday and his rushing out of the line to miss tackles like he did in the WCC. He has had some terrific games too but they have been the exception. He shown better form in recent games but too late for consideration for ther DREAM TEAM which in other years would have been automatic.
You complain that Moon has been inconsistent. But who hasn't this year? If he has been inconsistent then what a players he is being inconsistent.
1. To tackler in our backs
2. Top offloader in the whole team
3. Top equal for clean breaks
4. Equal 2nd try scorer (1 behind Watkins equal with Hall)
5. One less try assist than Watkins who has had 30% more carries
These facts suggest a fine all round centre. He is in his first season with us, which has seen little quality ball reaching either centre and no attacking FB like Webb to create overlaps on the left.. I think he has class and has made some tries out of nothing and will only get better as he settles into the team.
I think G1 that had you been paying closer attention at matches you would have seen this for yourself.