Quote FLAT STANLEY="FLAT STANLEY"[iHeres proof the Earth is not a Globe. Proved by 73 mile fish eye lensed camera and also by Time And Date and the Moons position....[url=https://youtu.be/xMp49IYBhO4Moon Proves Flat Earth[/url Hahahaha. Debunk that.
[/i[i Its a six minute clip which smashes the globe. Apologies for the convex concave fisheye lens.[/i'"
Hmmm. Unlike your technique of swallowing whole whatever your delusional mates publish, I considered that video.
Obviously it's a fake, because he's forgotten to put in the stars. CGI bullcrap. Etc.
Sorry, just winding you up, although the reasons no stars are visible in his video is the same as why no stars are seen in The Blue Marble, or in moon photographs.
1. It proves the Earth is a globe, since you tell us that however high we go, our eyes are always level with the horizon - yet at only 73 miles, the view of the curve of the globe is abundantly clear
2. If the Earth were flat then the whole of the flat Earth should be visibletrailing away in all directions. It's not. The local area and some distance in all directions from it can be seen, but no further than that. Exactly what you'd expect, as you go higher, you can see further around the curve of the globe, but still you can't see that far, as the curve of the globe drops away over all horizons.
3. The idiot who made the video thinks that the ground position of the moon (i.e., the place on Earth where the moon would appear directly overhead) means you can only see the moon from there. In fact, the moon is approx a quarter of a million miles away and as such at any given time can be seen from not far off half the Earth.
4. Here's a screenshot of the view of the sky from the approximate launch location, on the date in question, at approximately the time he says the rocket was launched, and from an altitude of 120km. I used the fantastic free resource Stellarium.
What's that thing I see in the south east, easily visible above the horizon? Well, I never. It's the Moon.
Oddly enough, in just the same direction, from the perspective of the launch site, as the "moon dot" on your idiot mate's map.
Epic fail Stan, although not your fault, save for being so gullible; you just uncritically wanted to believe your idiot mate, but it turns out that he has no idea what he is talking about.